Copyright 2007-2012
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Logue [yellow]
David Fishkind (ed.)
110 pages
Design: Restskatt
20 USD (plus shipping)
Caspian Alavi-Flint, Molly Brodak, Dayton Castleman, Jordan Castro, Michael Earl Craig, Zoe Dubno, Thomas J. Gamble, Ben Gocker, Liby Hays, Noy Holland, Stephanie Hurtado, Madeline Kuzak, Conor Lenihan, Abby Lloyd, Tao Lin, Jocktober The Mesh, Sam Michel, Ottessa Moshfegh, Oskar Nilsson, Nicolette Polek, Dawn Raffel, Bunny Rogers, Stephen Sturgeon, Alix Jean Vollum, Rebecca Warlick, Andrew Weatherhead, Mallory Whitten and Jon Woodward
Logue [yellow] is dedicated to Andrew Colville
Previous issues of Logue available as free .pdf here and here